The Connected Family creates healthy relationships between parents, between parents and children, between siblings, and between extended family members and the community at large.
The good news is that the seven skills of Conscious Discipline you will use to guide your children to being successful are the same skills needed to enhance relationships. The Conscious Discipline Brain State Model will help you understand the science behind behaviors that will serve you well in any chosen field of work. The Seven Powers for Conscious Adults will highlight for you your ineffective behavioral patterns that get in your way of being successful at whatever you do. The Conscious Discipline program is a 3 in 1 powerhouse. Discipline your children in such as they become self-disciplined, improve all your relationships with adults and children, and become successful in your career. The catch in this wonderful news is you must have an authentically connected family base from which all this manifest.
Connection, not attention, is what all people seek. Loving moments of genuine connection literally wire the brain for impulse control and willingness. The biochemistry of love allows us to move beyond power struggles to a willingness to cooperate, fosters forgiveness instead simply trying to forget, and provides the willingness needed to repair ruptured relationship moments.
The Connected Family is
fostered through predictable routines, nurturing rituals
and specific Conscious Discipline structures in the home.
The Connected Family creates a fundamental shift of power in our homes. All members in the family are empowered to have their needs met and a voice, not the final voice, but a voice. We must leave coercion, fear and external rewards behind, and step into a new worldview where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness, problem-solving and connection govern our homelife. We move from attempting to control our children and make them behave to helping them be successful in following the rules. We move from correction to connection from compliance to alliance. All else falls in place!
The School Family builds connections between families and schools, teachers and teachers, teachers and students, and students and students to ensure the optimal development of all.
These connections provide the three essential ingredients for school success:
A willingness to learn: Without willingness, each interaction becomes a power struggle instead of a learning opportunity. The School Family brings all children, especially the most difficult, to a place of willingness through a sense of belonging.
Impulse control: Connection with others is the construct that literally wires the brain for impulse control. Disconnected children are disruptive. External reward/punishment systems cannot improve a child’s ability to self-regulate because they are not designed to teach new skills. The School Family uses connection to internally encourage impulse control and teaches self-regulation skills in context.
Attention: Our attentional system is sensitive to stress and becomes engaged with positive emotions. The School Family reduces stress while creating an atmosphere of caring, encouragement and meaningful contributions. These components are essential for children to develop and apply sustained attention.
The School Family is
created through routines, rituals
and structures.
created through routines, rituals
and structures.
The School Family creates a fundamental shift in education and classroom management. Leave coercion, fear and external rewards behind, and step into a world where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness, problem-solving and connection govern your classroom.
Check out this link to see how implementing the Conscious Discipline model transformed one Florida "D" rated school:
There are several research papers and statistics as well:
I highly recommend this program for any family or school.