Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Quote that says it all about education...

It's not what is poured into a student, but what is planted.--Linda Conway

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Sarah!

    I love to see my daughter's artwork (she's 4) as it always is exactly what is on their heart at the time. Last year in preschool she pasting cutouts of each of our family members on a large paper. The caption written by the teacher below said, "Sometimes we fight, but we always hug too." That particular morning was a struggle to get out the door and is exactly what was on her heart during art time!

    I love the rainbow fish story and it is also one of my kids favorites. We read that one quite often when sharing between siblings (4 & 2) become an issue!! :)

    And I love your quote. That's one that I haven't heard of before, but I love it! So true!!

    Great job!
