Saturday, June 2, 2012

Early Childhood Australia - A voice for young children

Today's society provides us with the opportunity to learn more about the world than ever before. The internet is our key to endless possibilities.  Without ever stepping foot outside of our home we can see the world!  Not only can we explore and embrace cultural diversity, we can band together and share our knowledge in order to enhance our quality of life.  Education is a field every culture is equally concerned about; especially the early childhood profession.  It seems to have become increasingly prominent all over the world, and educators and researchers are sharing their findings.  I am excited to expand my mind and explore the work of early childhood professionals in Australia this week.  This is what I found when on the website for Early Childhood Australia.

What are some of the current international research topics?

This website offers a page dedicated to "Resource Themes".  Currently, there are clickable options under the following categories:  Being Belonging and Becoming, School Readiness and Children's Transitions, Sustainability Global Warming and Climate Changes, Baby and Toddler Sleeping and Childhood Health and Obesity.  Once you click on a link there are several research articles, books and credible quotes available on each topic.  The sources are listed, as well as additional links to help you find the sources.  There is a place on the homepage which lists current news and popular items.  Some of the recent popular items include the early years learning framework, and learning and teaching through play.  Several media releases are also on the homepage including ECPs responses to current issues, such as national standards and budget initiatives.

What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

In all honesty, I was shocked to see one of the resource themes was global warming and climate change.  I agree this is a very important issue we all must face and act on, I was just surprised to see this organization had information pertaining to the early childhood field.  I began the topic through the clickable links.  I found this organization is promoting what they call, "transformative education" that values, encourages and supports young children to be problem-seekers, problem-solvers, and action-takers in their own environments.  This involves including education about nature in the early childhood curriculum and encouraging children to play outside and become deeply engaged in the natural world.  There are several bullet points listed about what childhood professionals can do from modeling green housekeeping within their centers, to becoming advocates for neighborhood outdoor play areas for children.  I was very happy to read this and plan on implementing some of the suggestions offered by the organization.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

There is a section called "Supporting Best Practices".  This is broken down by categories and then several subcategories.  Each subcategory leads you to a brief explanation and then includes a country afterward.  I was a bit confused so I clicked on the final subcategory.  What this meant is that the organization found a credible educational resource on each topic and many of them are from organizations located around the globe.  I thought this was a really cool feature.  Although I was researching an Australian organization I was able to learn from organizations all over the world.  The website is really an extremely organized portal to pertinent information in the early childhood field.  

I am so impressed by this website and plan to utilize it from this day forward.  Often I find myself overwhelmed when doing searches online and cannot seem to find credible sources.  This website will help me so much.  


  1. Sarah,
    Thank you for sharing. I love the picture you posted along with your post. The "Supporting Best Pratices" section saids very helpful.

  2. Sarah,

    I too chose Early Childhood Australia - A voice for young children! I focused more on the programs policy on children seeking Asylum. I too plan on keeping this website close for future reference.



    Early Childhood Australia; A voice for young people 2012, retrieved for the following web site: last accessed 6/1/2012

  3. Sarah,

    I opted out of this site and chose the alternative but I soon found that the Early Childhood Australia site provided a plethora of information that I found myself interested in.

    I will utilize both resources for the future.

  4. Sarah,
    I also studied this site and found the information to be very helpful. I missed the section you referred to that provided other global resources. Thank you very much for pointing that out so that I may look into it more. I was also very interested in their global "green" commitment. Thanks for sharing!
